🗃️ The Xircuits Interface
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📄️ CLI Commands
The following is an updated list of CLI commands for Xircuits that you can use after you've installed it. You also can type xircuits --help in your terminal to display a list of all available commands:
🗃️ Components
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📄️ Component Libraries
* A Xircuits component library is a repository or directory that contains Xircuits component codes that can be rendered and run in a Xircuits canvas.
📄️ Project Templates
- A Xircuits Project Template is a project repository that utilizes Xircuits as its engine.
📄️ Xircuits Context
Aside from passing data between components by connecting the outPort to inPort, data can be passed between components via Context (ctx). This is useful for variables that are constantly used in most if not all components in a workflow (such as SparkSession), so you don't have to link it multiple times.