📄️ Getting Started with Xircuits
Welcome to Xircuits! This tutorial will walk you through installing Xircuits, starting it, opening and modifying a workflow, and finally running it in JupyterLab.
📄️ Creating Your First Visual Workflow From Scratch
In the previous tutorial, you learned how to run and modify prebuilt Xircuits workflows by adjusting parameter components. While this is a great starting point, Xircuits offers much more flexibility. You can create your own custom workflows from scratch, combining components from various libraries we support. This tutorial will guide you through the process of building a more complex workflow, introducing you to the component library, how to install remote libraries, and showing you how to add and mix different components to create a powerful, customized solution.
📄️ Creating Components with Xircuits
Now that you've mastered the basics of Xircuits and created your first visual workflow from scratch, you're ready to take your skills to the next level. In the previous tutorials, you learned how to use existing components to build workflows. But what if you want to create your own reusable components?
📄️ Creating Custom Components with Python
Welcome to the next level of using Xircuits! In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create custom components when the existing library doesn't quite meet your needs. We'll walk through the process of identifying gaps in functionality, designing solutions, and implementing them as new Xircuits components. This tutorial assumes that you have already covered the first two tutorials and have basics in Python.