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CLI Commands

The following is an updated list of CLI commands for Xircuits that you can use after you've installed it. You also can type xircuits --help in your terminal to display a list of all available commands:

$ xircuits --help

usage: xircuits {start,install,fetch-only,examples,compile,list} ...

Xircuits Command Line Interface

positional arguments:
start Start Xircuits.
install Fetch and installs a library for Xircuits.
fetch-only Fetch a library for Xircuits. Does not install.
examples Download examples for Xircuits.
compile Compile a Xircuits workflow file.
list List available component libraries for Xircuits.

Start Xircuits



xircuits start
  • Starts Xircuits, typically launching JupyterLab and initializing the .xircuits config file in the current directory. It also loads the xai_components into the current working directory.
  • You can append any JupyterLab-specific launch commands, for example:
    xircuits start --no-browser

Install Xircuits Component Library

xircuits install <component library name>
  • Fetches and uses pip to install a component library for Xircuits based on its requirements.txt.
  • The component library will be saved at ./xai_components/.
  • You can provide a component library name from the supported component library list or a GitHub repository URL.

Fetch Xircuits Component Library

xircuits fetch-only <component library name>
  • Fetches but does not install a component library for Xircuits.
  • The component library will be saved at ./xai_components/.
  • You can provide a component library name from the supported component library list or a GitHub repository URL.
  • If the directory already exists, it will return an error.

Download Xircuits Examples

xircuits examples
  • Loads the examples directory from the Xircuits wheel to your current directory.

Compile Xircuits File

xircuits compile <source_file> <out_file> [python_paths_file]
  • Compiles a Xircuits workflow from source_file.xircuits into This is useful for compiling a workflow without opening JupyterLab.
  • Optionally provide python_paths_file, a JSON file with a mapping of component names to required Python paths, e.g., {'MyComponent': '/some/path'}.

List Component Installation

xircuits list
  • Lists installed, available, and remote component libraries for Xircuits.

Each command also supports the -h option for help, which provides additional information and usage examples for the command.