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Creating a Xircuits Component

Xircuits allow users to create their own components with ease. The example below showcases the basic structure of an Xircuits Component that takes in a string and outputs a random integer.


from xai_components.base import InArg, OutArg, Component, xai_component

class HelloNewLibrary(Component):

# add your ports as class properties
input_str: InArg[str]
output_int: OutArg[int]

def execute(self, ctx) -> None:
input_str = self.input_str.value
print("Hello " + input_str)

import random
x = random.randint(0, 100)
self.output_int.value = x

How to Create a Xircuits Component

  1. Create inside one of the xai_components directories, eg xai_components/xai_template.
  2. Inside, add the essential imports: import InArg, OutArg, Component, xai_component.
  3. Create your component class which inherits Component, ie class HelloXircuits(Component).
  4. To indicate that your Python class is an Xircuits Component, you would need to add the @xai_component() decorator above it.
  5. Your execute() call must pass self and context ctx.
  6. Xircuits enable variables to be passed by reference through the InArg and OutArg. You only need to specify them in the class properties, unless you would like to set a default value.

And you're done! Press refresh on the component tray and the component should be correctly rendered, automatically usable in the Xircuits canvas.

Initializing Values

Often you would like to set a default value for an inArg if say the user does not supply the parameter in the canvas. To do this, there are 2 methods.

  1. Set the default value after calling super().__init__() in the __init__ method of your component class.
  2. Setting the default value using a conditional expression inside the execute method.

Below is the previous HelloNewLibrary component modified that shows the two methods.

class HelloNewLibrary(Component):

input_str: InArg[str]
input_int: InArg[int]

# method 1
def __init__(self):
self.input_str.value = "Default Value!"

def execute(self, ctx) -> None:

input_str = self.input_str.value

# method 2
input_int = self.input_int.value if self.input_int.value else 554

print("Hello " + input_str)
print("Hello " + str(input_int))

Things You Might Want to Know

  • Xircuits performs type checking when linking parameters. In this example, if the user attempts to link a parameter that is not a string to the input_str port, it will throw a tooltip error.
  • We encourage users to have library imports inside execute() instead of at the header for one-time use cases to avoid cluttering your namespace.
  • ctx is a dictionary that is available to all components to access. If you would like to include information globally, simply add that information in the dict via ctx.update(). Read more at Xircuits Context(ctx) on how to use it.