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Xircuits Project Template

  • A Xircuits Project Template is a project repository that utilizes Xircuits as its engine.
  • A single project directory should have only one Xircuits template at a time.
  • A template should be use case / application focused (object detection, BERT training, etc).
  • A template repository can have as much component libraries as the application needs.
  • The template repository should be structured so that Xircuits can be launched directly. Hence it will need the .xircuits config directory, xai_components with the and whatever component libraries needed, as well as the Xircuits to run the application template, as shown below:
# working directory
# |
# +-- .xircuits
# | +-- config.ini
# |
# +-- xai_components
# | +-- xai_lib_1
# | | +--
# | | +--
# | | +-- requirements.txt
# | |
# | +--
# | +--
# |
# |-- xircuits-workflows
# | +-- ApplicationTemplate1.xircuits
# | +-- ApplicationTemplate2.xircuits
# |
# +-- requirements.txt
# +--
  • The workflow of using a project template would be:
    1. Clone the template repository
    2. Setting up the project with
    3. Launching Xircuits from the base working directory.