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IF Logic

Since the 1.7 update, Xircuits allows you to implement conditionals and loops in your workflow. BranchComponent is an example of such, a controlflow component that implements the IF condition.

Consider the following workflow:


BranchComponent will alter its behavior depending on the condition inPort. The output of the above workflow is shown below.

``` ====================================== __ __ ___ _ _ \ \ \ \/ (_)_ __ ___ _ _(_) |_ ___ \ \ \ /| | '__/ __| | | | | __/ __| / / / \| | | | (__| |_| | | |_\__ \ /_/ /_/\_\_|_| \___|\__,_|_|\__|___/
Xircuits is running...

Executing: Print
You can chain multiple branches together!

Executing: Print
The 2nd branch is True!

Executing: Print
Finally, this will be executed once the final branch flow is complete!

Finished Executing

For more information on how controlflow works, you may refer to the controlflow reference page.