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Passing Data between Components

There are two ways of passing data between components: through ports and by utilizing the Xircuits context (ctx). The guide below will walk you through a simple example using ports.

Passing Data via Ports

Passing data via ports is as simple as declaring the port variable as InArg or OutArg, which will then be rendered by the Xircuits canvas.

  1. Start with a simple component definition that prints Hello.

    Code Snippet
    from xai_components.base import InArg, OutArg, InCompArg, Component, xai_component

    class HelloOutComponent(Component):

    def execute(self, ctx) -> None:

    username = "Xircuits"
    print("Hello " + username + " from HelloOutComponent!")


  2. Declare an outPort with type OutArg that passes a string. Pass the data to the next components, explicitly set the port value in the execute() method, shown in #(2).

    Code Snippet
    from xai_components.base import InArg, OutArg, InCompArg, Component, xai_component

    class HelloOutComponent(Component):

    outport_example: OutArg[str] #(1)

    def execute(self, ctx) -> None:

    username = "Xircuits"
    print("Hello " + username + " from HelloOutComponent!")

    self.outport_example.value = username #(2)
    self.done = True

  3. Create another Xircuits component has an InPort. As with the previous component, declare the type as InArg which takes in a str type. To access the data passed from the port, you can simply call it via self.port_name.value as shown in #(3).

    Code Snippet
    class HelloInComponent(Component):

    inport_example: InArg[str]

    def execute(self, ctx) -> None:

    username = self.inport_example.value #(3)

    print("Hello " + username + " from HelloInComponent!")

    self.done = True


  • An inPort can also be linked to a Literal or a Argument component given the correct data type.
  • Declaring the port type as any will bypass the port type check.

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